Provisional affiliation to additional programmes (AY 2024-25) U.O No.13620 dated 05.09.2024
In 1980s, University Grants Commission introduced the concept of College Development Council (CDC) with a vision to set up an effective interface between the UGC and the colleges affiliated to various universities under it. The mission entrusted with the CDCs at University level was to facilitate effective implementation of development plans of the UGC and universities for quality improvement of colleges and other affiliated institutions. Given the exponential growth of Indian higher education system with fast increasing affiliated colleges, innovative teaching and learning methods, change in pedagogical perspectives as well as the challenges emerged out of socio-political and economic policies in relation to education, the CDCs are now turned to be vital forces that frame collegiate education policies aiming at inclusive quality education, in tune with national education policy.
The College Development Council of the University of Calicut was set up in 1986 with the financial support of the University Grants Commission. Now that the CDC at the University completed more than 35 glorious years of service, it serves as a link between 408 affiliated colleges and the UGC.
1: Interface Between Colleges & University
Affiliation of new colleges & programmes, Continuation of Provisional Affiliation for existing programmes, Confirmation of Affiliation and permanent and marginal increase of seats.
2: Gateway to University Grants Commission
Managing the UGC schemes like minor and major research projects, UGC financial assistance to colleges, UGC career oriented courses, Faculty Development Programmes, Inclusion of Colleges under 2(f) & 12 (B) of UGC Act 1956 etc.
3: Quality Improvement of College Level Education
Conduct of interface meetings, faculty recharge programmes, sensitizing the college faculties and managements of the funding avenues and agencies and the new trends in higher education through consultation and awareness programmes.
College Development Council
Administration Block
University of Calicut
Calicut University PO
Malappuram - 673635
E-mail -
Ph:- 0494-2407128, 7138, 7112, 7154